Tuesday, November 17, 2009

" Recovering sinner" second thought

A thought occurred to me as I was typing the words " struggling with my Faith" on my facebook status. It is very important to surround our self with other Christians and form great friendships so if needed they can form that intervention on those of us who may be slipping.

I am a single mother and more things seems to work against me more often than for me.
So sometimes it gets hard to continue into my walk with Christ, Not because I don't believe in him. But because My faith is being tested and it just gets hard. Now because I know my God has always been on my side.. I normally don't stay in this state for very long, but even still it would be nice to have people with whom I connect with , who understands.

What about those recovering sinners who have never known Christ at all until the time they were saved. Born again, brand new in Christ..? It is our duty as Christians to take care of them.. isn't it? I mean... isn't that the whole point of ministering ? to make sure we share what we know in God with those we cross paths with, and to love just as Christ did.. as Christ does

Shame on us who have ever passed by someone who is broken and just kept going.
I think that those of you who call yourself Christians but do not love people, simply because they are children of God also, and if your heart doesn't break for the broken hearted... If we can't be there to help others and care for others ( without the " man do I have to? " attitude) we need to find our self back on our knees, we need to revisit the time that we promised to live for God, We need to put our self in check.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

And we need to ask God for a heart like Jesus, because this is the life He lived - obedient to God, caring for the broken and despised. We cannot do this on our own, but only Christ in us can. The woe is letting the sinful state continue to live in us; dying to sin every day is a necessity for allowing our resurrected Lord to live and work in us.

My "Trutheran" Christianity blog

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