Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am in a dark room, no one around, I can't see anything its too dark.
oh wait ... the is a doorway, light shining! All I have to do is walk through and leave all this darkness, I am scared here and heart broken all alone. But there's my way out, its the light. that is where Jesus is standing waiting. only I don't know because no one has ever told me. So what do I do...? I stay in this darkness and I will continue to be afraid of this darkness. and I will keep searching for a way out. feeling my way around, hands slide against the wall, searching, looking. Down on my knees now I am crying out to God " WHY!? if there were really a God why am I trapped? lifting my head out of my hands, looking to see... there's that doorway.. and that light again.... its always there.

.. it seems so evident and clear. We learn that Jesus died on the cross so that our sins will be forgiven and we can have life ever lasting with God. Jesus had the power as the son of God to avoid all the lashing and beatings leading up to that Cross.. so why then would he go through it? Why would he Indore such pain? I mean, could you imagine ... with each strike sharp and painful, ripping into your skin? The scars left behind on this Man born of God, but not just a Man but God himself, the love he must have for us, YOU and ME. The scars he now has are there to replace any Scar left on our lives, and I am not necessarily speaking of physical scars but of the ones that hurt us most, the hurt we carry inside, anger, hate, jealousy and rejection. These are the things that we have so much trouble of letting go. I sometimes wonder if we don't feel safer holding on to these things, because maybe in a way we hold on to it because its all we know, in a twisted way it is our comfort zone, and maybe we are afraid to let go of what we have always known. In reality we are hurting ourselves, Did you know that you do not have to hold on to what hurts you? The pain has already been inflicted by this world, ON Jesus Christ. He has been rejected, Hurt, brutally beaten, and killed. the Son of God walked this earth to face all that has already been done and will be done to Us. So we no longer have to live with the pain.

God gave us a way out, He gave YOU a way out. Don't ignore the light of the world, Jesus Christ. He didn't ignore or forget his mission, his soul purpose which is the Salvation of the people in this world. Instead he stands with open arms waiting for us to see him and walk out of the darkness and into light which is his Love for you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Love's Plead

I was remembering a letter that my mother found in an old family bible that belonged to my Great Grand parents, the letter was about to fall apart because it had been folded and tucked away inside this bible after being written in the year 1944, It was a love letter to My Great Grand Mother, from My Great Grand Father. As it seems in the letter she was away, it doesn't indicate why or even where she was.. only that He had said his goodbyes at the train station.

Over and over He had written how much he loved her and missed her and also how badly he needed her back home. The love he had for her was so apparent.

I was thinking isn't that what the bible is to us..? Gods love letter
from a Father to his Children? a PLEAD saying "I love you and I miss you!"
a plead to be ready? I mean if God just wanted us to know he created earth, and Jesus died to save our sins, he could have done so and our bible today would only be a few pages long. But he wanted to show us more than that. Yes, he is our Lord, creator of all things Good, He is Love, He sent Jesus to die for our sins but he also wanted us to see how our sins had made the world what it is, he is reaching out over and over showing his love and asking us to return to him. The Bible is Gods plead to us. He loves us, he misses us when we aren't living for him and he wants us ready and waiting when he calls us to a greater place,

Friday, January 15, 2010


The world shakes under their feet,
Buildings fall all around them as the earth caves in.
Not knowing what to do, not knowing what to think.
Parents holding their children, lifeless in their arms
Children lost with broken hearts, scared,and hurting..
No water to drink, or even food to eat.
Searching for a place to lay their head.
No home, no bed.

One mom finds a child who she thought was dead.
“ Now I realize God loves me” is what she says
The joy to find the ones I love alive, yet
Still the heart breaks for those who are buried away
in a mass grave. And for the families who still don’t know.

My prayer is that God holds the hand of all of those lost
waiting under all of whats crumbled down around them
Time is short , time is running out to find life

Please Help me! Are the cries from Haiti

Please contact your local relief organization,
Maybe a red cross in your area..?
whether its small or large, its from the heart
and speaks volumes of your character

thank you, Jennifer Oneil
better known to most as WritersAve