Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Giving God control

In the dream it looked like a war zone. everything was dark and gray and almost desolated. I don't recognise the place I am in,
I am walking along the sidewalk, there are abandoned cars along the way on this long stretch of road. as I walk it seems that everything I touch disintegrates, it breaks into an ash like substance and then withers away.
I am scared and alone, and everything I reach for is destroyed. then the sky lights up with lightening as it starts to storm, and the rain comes down so hard that it hurts my skin.. I can't take it! each drop that hits me burns. I look to see a house sitting at the end of the road, I run to it but the door to get inside is on the second level. I see on the side of the house a set of stairs, when my hand touches the railing , flames run up the railing and the house splits in half and begins to disintegrate and fall away... I scream " JESUS!!!!" as I look to the sky... I wake up

See God has allowed me to cross paths with Aaron Potratz, I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and the people we meet along the way is for a reason... Maybe Aarons reason is to help give me a better understanding of the dreams I have like this one.. he helped me realize that maybe the dreams symbolizes my life and how everything I seem to touch, fix or do on my own I mess it up somehow, and the more I rely on my own self the deeper I get into the mess I am in, and so now in this storm that is too much for me to take I withdraw within myself (the house)and I am drowning within all of this mess, the things I struggle with. But I am destroying myself, my house and my family in a sense... and at the very last minute I call out to the one I should have been calling to in the first place... GOD.
Sure I have been praying to God about my struggles, but I have not given full control of my life over to God... and everything I try to fix on my own... I can't do it. I can't do it alone, only God can.

I know its hard, but we have to learn to give everything to God, espesally when we are hurting. I found myself on my knees. praying in the spirit and this is what God spoke to me .. in a small still voice I heard these thoughts enter into my head and I started writing the words as they came to me with tears running down my face like a child facing her Father

" You are searching in all the wrong places, Look to me always..
you are more than you see for yourself, I created you, I planed you, I love you and I died for you. Even if no one else sees your heart.. I know your heart very well.. just keep loving everyone.. LOOK TO ME for all your needs, I will provide more than you know. STOP crying to others but Cry out to me"

I find myself a lot of times crying to everyone else around me about all the things that are wrong in my life, about how if things don't change I will be in so much trouble .... blah blah blah... but what comes out of it??? nothing!!! I find myself still in the same place with a few more annoyed people in my life.
I believe getting to the place where we are able to give all to God is a process... we have to condition our hearts and minds. and the only way to do that is to pray, pray , pray... even when it doesn't seem like any anything is changing , pray more! and read Gods word... there is something Great about the word of God... because he knows already what we need from him , his word as been constructed in a way to minister to us no matter the circumstance in our lives. I find myself praying scripture to God for myself. Gods word is a love letter, from Genesis to Revelation he is talking to you and to me.... Go and listen to the voice of God and then let him listen to the sound of your voice and pray - your sister in CHRIST

( while your at it, go check out Aarons blog... he follows me here, just click on his picture icon)


Anonymous said...

I so love, that God enjoys speaking with us. It's good, that you see the message, in your dream. We all have the struggle, of letting God have our problems. Keep working on it. He will help you to succeed, through Him. :)

thegreenflag said...

hello cutie
"maybe the dreams symbolizes my life" you can be sure it DOES NOT, dreams are only the results of our thoughts or worries and fears. someones life is only good or messed up by the way they look at it, it's all in our heads.
you feel like you mess things up but maybe that's because deep inside they don't matter to you in the first place, as far as i know you're beautiful, clean and you're doing pretty good rising 2 kids and giving them food and shelter, which only a few people are able to do the right way when single.
that doesn't sound to me like someone who messes things up.
you have a good life and you just need to clean up that sweet innocent brain of yours from those worries and fears, they don't belong in there, and keep doing or trying things or decisions you want to do as long as they are safe for you and for others, and if something doesn't work out well or breaks .. what the heck, don't make a big deal of it and move on to something else, as long as the things that really matter are being planed and taken care of first.

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