I am in a dark room, no one around, I can't see anything its too dark.
oh wait ... the is a doorway, light shining! All I have to do is walk through and leave all this darkness, I am scared here and heart broken all alone. But there's my way out, its the light. that is where Jesus is standing waiting. only I don't know because no one has ever told me. So what do I do...? I stay in this darkness and I will continue to be afraid of this darkness. and I will keep searching for a way out. feeling my way around, hands slide against the wall, searching, looking. Down on my knees now I am crying out to God " WHY!? if there were really a God why am I trapped? lifting my head out of my hands, looking to see... there's that doorway.. and that light again.... its always there.
.. it seems so evident and clear. We learn that Jesus died on the cross so that our sins will be forgiven and we can have life ever lasting with God. Jesus had the power as the son of God to avoid all the lashing and beatings leading up to that Cross.. so why then would he go through it? Why would he Indore such pain? I mean, could you imagine ... with each strike sharp and painful, ripping into your skin? The scars left behind on this Man born of God, but not just a Man but God himself, the love he must have for us, YOU and ME. The scars he now has are there to replace any Scar left on our lives, and I am not necessarily speaking of physical scars but of the ones that hurt us most, the hurt we carry inside, anger, hate, jealousy and rejection. These are the things that we have so much trouble of letting go. I sometimes wonder if we don't feel safer holding on to these things, because maybe in a way we hold on to it because its all we know, in a twisted way it is our comfort zone, and maybe we are afraid to let go of what we have always known. In reality we are hurting ourselves, Did you know that you do not have to hold on to what hurts you? The pain has already been inflicted by this world, ON Jesus Christ. He has been rejected, Hurt, brutally beaten, and killed. the Son of God walked this earth to face all that has already been done and will be done to Us. So we no longer have to live with the pain.
God gave us a way out, He gave YOU a way out. Don't ignore the light of the world, Jesus Christ. He didn't ignore or forget his mission, his soul purpose which is the Salvation of the people in this world. Instead he stands with open arms waiting for us to see him and walk out of the darkness and into light which is his Love for you.
very tru i feel like im trapped in a dark room all the time. idk wut to do either i kno i can go to the doorway but theres so many things in the way to get to the door. its hard to find ur way in the dark and its hard when u want to do the right thing its jus so hard.
Thanks for the blog follow Jennifer, and for the deeply felt thoughts you shared here in this post. Jesus describes himself as light, and the path to life. These are intense realities, and I think that comes through in what you posted.
thanks for sharing love. it is so hard to find people today who do. Most just want to spread negativity. look forward to following your blog.
What I appreciate about this post is the reality that sometimes what is so obvious (Jesus' saving light) can be so difficult to do. We would rather hold on to that darkness because it's comfortable and familiar than take a risk to embrace the light, which might hurt our eyes for a time but ultimately bring healing. Life in the light is an adjustment that may hurt but will never harm.
Thanks for the post. Now go follow Jesus! :-D
oh imma follow alright ..
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