Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the world to feel such loneliness, And it doesn't even matter to me that I am wrong on that thought... Because the only thing that matters is the sadness I feel... the heartbreak that seems to be with me more often than not. I cry and pray to God so much and I ask him to bring someone into my life, and the more time I spend focused on my " wants" is less time spent being thankful for the beautiful people God has allows me to know...So how do I gain a new perspective? How do I let it become less about me and more about how my plan can line up with Gods plan? The truth is right in front of my face and its a truth that is so apparent.. So clear to me.. The problem with myself is that I am always looking too hard, and so I cant see.. Maybe if I let myself just be still.. because If I truly do believe and trust in God then I wouldn't be so bothered..

Believing isn't only knowing that God can, Its knowing that God will.

I am reminded by a butterfly..
As I was teaching a young group of kids.. we were outside for playtime. They were amazed by this one butterfly as it floated through the air, and as it passed on by they looked at me asking " where did it go?" and telling me that they want to see it again. So we went on a butterfly hunt.. looking under toys and playground equipment.. each time hearing their tiny little voices say " no, its not there" So I gathered them together and we prayed "

Dear , Jesus, Thank you for bringing us another butterfly , Amen"

.. I asked Lauren a little girl of the age of 3 years old " Will Jesus bring another butterfly?" her short and very positive answer was simply " yep" as she went on to play something we started to head back into the class three butterflies came floating by.. and they seemed to stop long enough to give the kids a good look or to say " here we are"But not only did God provide he also added and multiplied ...

because of that child like faith that I am so often lacking...

Trying to remember that Gods promises are Yes and AmenAnd trying to remember that not only will God give me what I desire, but if I just push through and know that he WILL give..he will give it better and bigger... No matter what package it seems to arrive in.. I pray that God will allow me to see and to be thankful for whatever Gifts he does send my way... instead of looking over it, or around it.. waiting for something else. So today I am simply in awe of My Father God who delights in my happiness in him.